সোমবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

South India

31 Dec

This shot shows the feet of two policewomen in South India. They are standing near a Temple, so their shoes are off. Note the toe rings and anklet!

toemail, toes, feet, photography, South India

Toe rings and anklets originated in India, I believe. Nice shot!

Check out smallpebbles ! (dedicated to silence and peace).

Source: http://toemail.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/south-india/

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Italian Nobel scientist Montalcini dies at 103

ROME (Reuters) - Rita Levi Montalcini, joint winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine and an Italian Senator for Life, died on Sunday at the age of 103, her family said.

The first Nobel laureate to reach 100 years of age, she won the prize in 1986 with American Stanley Cohen for their discovery of nerve growth factor (NGF), a protein that makes developing cells grow by stimulating surrounding nerve tissue.

Her research helped in the treatment of spinal cord injuries and has increased understanding of cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's and conditions such as dementia and autism.

One of twins born to a Jewish family in Turin in 1909, Montalcini was the oldest living recipient of the prize.

During World War Two, the Allies' bombing of Turin forced her to flee to the countryside where she established a mini-laboratory. She fled to Florence after the German invasion of Italy and lived in hiding there for a while, later working as a doctor in a refugee camp.

After the war she moved to St. Louis in the United States to work at Washington University, where she went on to make her groundbreaking NGF discoveries.

She also set up a research unit in Rome and in 1975 became the first woman to be made a full member of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 1975. She won several other awards for her contributions to medical and scientific research.

Her face was instantly recognizable in Italy and she was well known as a dignified and respected intellectual, a counterbalance to the image of women succeeding through their looks and sexuality, exacerbated during the scandal-plagued era of former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Two days after her birthday in April this year she posted a note on Facebook saying it was important never to give up on life or fall into mediocrity and passive resignation.

"I've lost a bit of sight, and a lot of hearing. At conferences I don't see the projections and I don't feel good. But I think more now than I did when I was 20. The body does what it wants. I am not the body, I am the mind," she said.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti said in a statement that Montalcini's Nobel prize had been an honor for Italy, and praised her efforts to encourage young people, especially women, to play a central role in scientific research.

(Editing by Louise Ireland)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/italian-nobel-scientist-montalcini-dies-103-181307812.html

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Rover gets set for Martian road trip

Since captivating the world with its acrobatic landing, the Mars rover Curiosity has fallen into a rhythm: Drive, snap pictures, zap at boulders, scoop up dirt. Repeat.

Topping its to-do list in the new year: Set off toward a Martian mountain ? a trek that will take up a good chunk of the year.

The original itinerary called for starting the drive before the Times Square ball drop, but Curiosity lingered longer than planned at a pit stop, delaying the trip.

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      Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: The coming year could bring brilliant cometary fireworks as well as eclipses, meteor showers and more. But there's also the potential for disappointment.

    2. Get your fill of the year's final full moon
    3. Mars rover snaps amazing self-portrait
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Curiosity will now head for Mount Sharp in mid-February after it drills into its first rock.

"We'll probably be ready to hit the pedal to the metal and give the keys back to the rover drivers," mission chief scientist John Grotzinger said in a recent interview at his office on the sprawling NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory campus, 15 miles (24 kilometers) east of downtown Los Angeles.

The road trip comes amid great expectations. After all, it's the reason the $2.5 billion mission targeted Gale Crater near the Martian equator. Soaring from the center of the ancient crater is a 3-mile-high (5-kilometer-high) peak with intriguing layers of rocks.

Curiosity's job is to figure out whether the landing site ever had the right environmental conditions to support microbes. Scientists already know water flowed in the past, thanks to the rover's discovery of an old streambed. Besides water, life as we know it also needs energy, typically provided by the sun.

What's missing are the chemical building blocks of life: complex carbon-based molecules. If they're preserved on Mars, scientists figure the best place to hunt for them is at the base of Mount Sharp, where images from space reveal hints of interesting geology.

It's a six-month journey if Curiosity drives nonstop. But since scientists will want to command the six-wheeled rover to rest and examine rocky outcrops along the way, it'll turn into a nine-month odyssey.

Drill, rover, drill
Before Curiosity can tackle a mountain, there's unfinished business to tend to. After spending the holiday taking measurements of the Martian atmosphere, Curiosity gears up for the first task of the new year: Finding the perfect rock to bore into.

The exercise ? from picking a rock to drilling to deciphering its chemical makeup ? is expected to last more than a month.

"We have promised everybody that we're going to go slowly," said Grotzinger, a geologist at the California Institute of Technology.

Curiosity's low-key adventures thus far are in contrast to the drama-filled touchdown that entranced the world in August. Since the car-sized rover was too heavy to land using a parachute and airbags, engineers invented a daring new way that involved lowering it to the surface by cables. The risky arrival proved so successful and popular that NASA is planning an encore in 2020.

Curiosity joined another NASA rover, Opportunity, which has been exploring the Martian southern hemisphere since 2004. Opportunity's twin, Spirit, stopped communicating in 2010.

After nailing the landing, Curiosity fell into a routine. The first month was dominated by health checkups ? a tedious but essential prerequisite before driving. A chemistry laboratory on wheels, it's the most high-tech spacecraft to land on another planet, so extra care was taken to ensure its tools, including its rock-zapping laser and robotic arm, worked.

Once it got the green light, it trundled to a waypoint that's home to three unique types of terrain to perform science experiments. Every time Curiosity roves, it leaves Morse code tracks in the soil, providing a visual signal between drives. The dots and dashes spell out JPL, short for Jet Propulsion Lab, which built the rover.

Postcards from Mars
So far, its odometer has logged less than a mile. Despite the slow going, scientists have been smitten with the postcards it beamed home, including a stylish self-portrait and tantalizing glimpses of Mount Sharp.

Huge expectations weigh on the mission with NASA balancing the need to feed the public's appetite while pursuing discoveries at its own pace. Last month, the space agency quashed Internet speculation that Curiosity had detected complex carbon compounds in a pinch of Martian soil by issuing a statement ahead of a science meeting where the team was due to present the latest findings.

American University space policy professor Howard McCurdy said Curiosity is currently in a transition, caught between the landing that went viral and the scientific payoff that's expected at Mount Sharp.

"It is interesting, but slow," he said in an email. "I expect public interest will rise as the rover gets closer to its destination."

Curiosity's prime mission lasts two years, but NASA expects the plutonium-powered rover to live far longer. A priority for its human handlers is to learn to operate it more efficiently so that it becomes second nature. Before heading to Mount Sharp, engineers plan a software update to Curiosity's computers to fix remaining bugs.

"We'll need to be pretty careful," project manager Richard Cook said of the upcoming drive. "We may find terrain that we're not comfortable driving in, and we'll have to spend time driving around stuff."

More about Mars:

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/50319003/ns/technology_and_science-space/

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Philippine president secretly signs contraceptives law

Valte said the passage of the law ?closes a highly divisive chapter of our history? and ?opens the possibility of cooperation and reconciliation? among those who oppose and support the ?Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012.?

One of the most outspoken opponents of the legislation while it was still being debated in Congress, retired Archbishop Oscar Cruz, said Aquino is dividing the country while adopting a ?first world country value system.? He warned that the law will be followed by the passage of a divorce bill and same-sex marriage, both strongly opposed by the Church.

Cruz, a former president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, criticized the secret signing of the law despite the presidential certification that it was an urgent measure.

?What is that? He is either ashamed of it or he is afraid of the repercussion of that bill,? Cruz said.

?My first objection there is why don?t you call a spade a spade? Why do you have to call it ?reproductive health?? Come on. That is population-control legislation,? he said. ?From the onset there is already deception.?

He said responsible parenthood as taught by the church entails using only natural family planning methods. Providing artificial contraceptives will ?separate pleasure from the hardship? of bringing up a family.

?This government has now entered the bedroom bringing with it the condom and the pill.... That is very irresponsible,? Cruz said.

He said a Catholic group is planning to question the law at the Supreme Court.

Women?s groups and other supporters of the law have praised Aquino for pushing its passage within the first half of his six-year term after the measure languished in Congress for 13 years largely because legislators were reluctant to pass it because of the strong opposition of the Catholic Church.

The Aquino administration ?should be commended for its political will to see this law through,? said Carlos Conde, Asia Researcher for the U.S.-based Human Rights Watch.

Conde said the law ?will advance human rights in the Philippines, particularly of women and mothers? and empower them to make their own decisions over their health and family life. ?It gives a clear mandate to the government to make reproductive health services readily available and, because of that, the law can save many lives,? he said.

In about a dozen provisions, the 24-page law repeatedly reminds that abortion drugs are banned, but it requires health workers to provide care for those who have complications arising from illegal abortions.

Under the law, the government will hire more village health workers who will distribute contraceptives, especially to the poor, and provide instructions on natural family planning methods that the Church approves.

The government will also train teachers who will provide age- and development-appropriate reproductive health education to adolescents ? youth age 10 to 19 years old. This will include information on protection against discrimination and sexual abuse and violence against women and children, teen pregnancy, and women?s and children?s rights.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://feeds.newadvent.org/~r/bestoftheweb/~3/DrZ9mT8uRYs/d1cf1588-518b-11e2-835b-02f92c0daa43_story.html

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Four planets in 'habitable zones' spotted within spitting distance of Earth

Astronomers say they used a new statistical technique to find four possible super-Earths orbiting in the habitable zone of two stars within 22 light-years of Earth, Gliese 667C and tau Ceti.

By Pete Spotts,?Staff writer / December 19, 2012

This diagram shows an artist's rendering comparing our own solar system to Kepler-22, a star system containing the first 'habitable zone' planet discovered by NASA's Kepler mission. The 'habitable zone' is a region where under the right conditions, liquid water can form stable pools on the surface.



Astronomers say they have uncovered evidence for what could be four super-Earth planets orbiting within the habitable zones of two stars within 22 light-years of Earth.

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Three of those candidate planets are among a tightly packed clutch of five that orbit Gliese 667C, part of a triple-star system 22 light-years away in the constellation Scorpius. The other possible planet is one of five orbiting tau Ceti, a sun-like star 12 light-years away in the constellation Cetus.

Taken together, the detections not only add to accumulating evidence that planets look to be more common than stars ? and that planets in habitable zones could be more common than previously thought, some of researchers reporting the finds say.

The finds also illustrate the power of improved statistical tools to boldly uncover candidate planets where no planet had been found before.

The evidence for these candidate planets requires independent confirmation, the researchers caution.?Still, the tools represent "a real breakthrough," says Steven Vogt, an astronomer at the University of California at Santa Cruz and a member of the team reporting the results for tau Ceti. The approach the team took leaves only about one chance in 3 million that the detections could herald something other than a planet.

Since the mid-1990s, astronomers have bagged more than 850 extra-solar planets. The ultimate goal is to find rocky planets with Earth-like masses orbiting within their stars' habitable zones ? a region where under the right conditions, liquid water can form stable pools on the surface. Liquid water is considered an essential ingredient for organic life.

Different groups of astronomers had aimed three telescopes for various lengths of time at tau Ceti and found nothing. Led by Mikko Tuomi at the University of Hertfordshire in Britain, the team reporting this latest analysis applied relatively new statistical tools to the combined data from these telescopes.

The result: "Five planets came out: boom, boom, boom, boom, boom ... as clear as a bell," Dr. Vogt says.

Tau Ceti has about 78 percent of our own sun's mass, but its composition is quite similar, Dr. Tuomi's team reports. Its candidate planets range from 2 to 6.6 times Earth's mass.

The innermost object orbits the star once every 14 days, while the outermost takes 642 days to make its circuit. The fourth planet from the star, with a 168-day orbit, travels well within a zone where liquid water could remain stable on the planet's surface, the team estimates. However, the results don't speak directly to what the planets are made of.?

A similar story has played out for Philip Gregory, an astronomer at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Previous researchers had found two planets orbiting Gliese 667C, a red dwarf with 31 percent of the sun's mass. Using a broadly similar statistical approach, he reports detecting the initial two, plus three more planets. Three of the five fall within the star's habitable zone, he estimates.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/bMFbBrXA1o4/Four-planets-in-habitable-zones-spotted-within-spitting-distance-of-Earth

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Apple drops patent claim against Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini

The Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini will not be involved in the next round of the never-ending Apple vs Samsung patent war.

The little brother of the flagship Galaxy S3 had been named alongside a host of Samsung devices which, according to Cupertino, infringe Apple's intellectual property.

The warring companies had been asked to present their lists of disputed devices as they gear up for a second trial in California, scheduled to begin in March 2014.

As the Galaxy S3 Mini is not being sold in the United States, Apple has sportingly agreed to strike it from the list.

Round two

However, it's not as if Samsung will be doing cartwheels about the news. Apple's list still includes the Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy Tab 8.9, Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 and Rugby Pro devices.

Apple also reserves the right to reinsert the S3 Mini if Samsung decides to launch it Stateside.

The second trial, which follows Apple's crushing victory this summer, will also hear Samsung's claims about the iPhone 5.

Via Apple Insider

Source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/669/f/415081/s/270e81a9/l/0L0Stechradar0N0Cnews0Cphone0Eand0Ecommunications0Cmobile0Ephones0Capple0Edrops0Epatent0Eclaim0Eagainst0Esamsung0Egalaxy0Es30Emini0E11218590Dsrc0Frss0Gattr0Fall/story01.htm

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Israeli leader's party criticizes president

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heads the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Abir Sultan, Pool)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heads the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Abir Sultan, Pool)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, heads the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. Sitting left is Cabinet minister Moshe Kachlon, and Cabinet Secretary Tzvi Hauser, right. (AP Photo/Abir Sultan, Pool)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, heads the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. Sitting left is Cabinet minister Moshe Kachlon, and Cabinet Secretary Tzvi Hauser, right. (AP Photo/Abir Sultan, Pool)

(AP) ? Israel's president and prime minister are trading charges over making peace with the Palestinians.

President Shimon Peres told a summit of international ambassadors and diplomats Sunday that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is a reliable peace partner. He said Israeli diplomacy must change "from an aggressive approach to a moderate approach of dialogue."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's party and his hawkish election partner released a statement calling the Israeli president out of touch and labeling the Palestinian president a "peace rejecter."

Peres won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.

Netanyahu is expected to win Jan. 22 elections, and the hard-line bloc maintains a lead over dovish parties. The statement from Netanyahu's party said Peres' remarks in front of a diplomatic audience represent a political stance that encourages international condemnation of Israel.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-12-30-Israel-Palestinians/id-ffce79cb5a8948adb6e630c6f5eaba43

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রবিবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Michigan hospital blazes trail in fight against fungal meningitis

CHICAGO (Reuters) - After his first day working at St Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor hospital's newly created Fungal Outbreak Clinic, Dr David Vandenberg struggled to describe to his boss the enormity of what lay ahead. He settled on a line from the movie Jaws.

"We're going to need a bigger boat," Vandenberg told Dr Lakshmi Halasyamani, chief medical officer of the Michigan hospital, echoing the film's local police chief after he first eyes a 25-foot (7.5-metre) killer shark.

The St Joseph Mercy clinic has been at the front line of the fight against one of the biggest ever U.S. outbreaks of fungal meningitis, a killer infection that has been traced to tainted steroid shots from a Massachusetts pharmacy.

So far, 620 Americans have developed serious infections related to the outbreak, including 367 cases of deadly meningitis, and 39 people have died. Of the 19 U.S. states affected, Michigan has been worst hit, handling more than one third of the total cases in the outbreak.

St Joseph Mercy - a 537-bed Catholic hospital located in Ypsilanti, on the doorstep of the University of Michigan - has treated 169 of the state's 223 cases of infections that can cause meningitis, including 7 people who died.

At one point it was so overrun that 87 of its 537 beds, which are usually occupied by patients with cancer or heart ailments and the like, were occupied by patients with fungal meningitis and related infections.

Dr Tom Chiller, the fungal disease expert at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who has been overseeing the outbreak, praised the work of the hospital in helping to limit deaths from the outbreak.

"They have been incredibly creative in dealing with these complicated patients," he said.

In all, almost 14,000 people seeking relief from back and joint pain received injections from moldy steroid shots made at the now-bankrupt New England Compounding Center in Massachusetts before they were recalled in late September.

CDC experts initially feared death rates in the 40 to 50 percent range; instead, only about 6 percent of those infected have died, and the CDC credits the creative and dogged efforts of state and local health officials for keeping the death rates so low.

The first wave of the outbreak involved the most severe cases of meningitis - an inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. But starting in mid-October, patients who had been recovering from meningitis were developing potentially fatal localized infections near the site where contaminated drug was injected to treat back or neck pain.

As they started seeing more cases of these local, secondary infections, the staff at St Joseph's devised a bold plan to screen all patients in their database looking for potential new infections that might have been missed in the first wave.

On December 20, the CDC issued an alert to doctors incorporating some of lessons learned by the efforts of doctors at St Joseph's and other hospitals, calling for increased screening of patients who may be harboring localized infections.


Among the patients who developed secondary infections was Bonita Robbins, a 72-year-old retired nurse from Pinckney, Michigan, who received doses of the tainted drug at the Michigan Pain Specialists clinic in the nearby town of Brighton while seeking relief for lower-back pain.

The first shot brought some relief, the second did little to ease her aches, and the third was contaminated. In October, Robbins went to St Joseph's with a severe headache, back pain and pain in her thighs.

She spent 37 days in the hospital taking two kinds of antifungal drugs.

Dr Anurag Malani, an infectious disease specialist treating Robbins, said the challenge with the outbreak was that there was no medical literature to fall back on.

"No one has ever seen anything of this magnitude related to fungal infections, ever," he said.

Chiller said U.S. doctors had never treated meningitis caused by Exserohilum rostratum, the environmental mold causing most of the infections.

"It's just a rare, rare cause of infection." Seeing that mold in the meninges - membranes covering the brain and spinal cord - is "completely new."

Initially, St Joseph's Fungal Outbreak Clinic was started in order to coordinate the care of patients after their discharge, which included overseeing the administration of a complex regime of anti-fungal drugs.

It morphed into something bigger when some of its 53 patients with meningitis started returning with infections near the site in their back or neck where the contaminated drug was injected.

Then came a wave of patients like Robbins, who had been ruled out for meningitis with a spinal tap, but were still complaining of pain near their injection site.


"When it became obvious that the number of patients would be a much higher percentage than anticipated by the CDC, we expanded our clinic and started enlisting the help of several other hospitals," Vandenberg said.

Many of the patients had spinal abscesses, an infection in the space between the outside covering of the spinal cord and the bones of the spine. Others developed arachnoiditis, an infection of nerves within the spinal canal.

The decision to screen all patients in the hospital database who might have received tainted injections was not taken at the recommendation of the CDC.

"That was our own decision," said Vandenberg, a specialist in internal medicine overseeing the screening effort.

He admitted that the strategy was aggressive, but said that, especially early on, doctors feared the local infections might be precursors to meningitis, making catching them early a potentially life-saving move.

Excluding patients who had already been screened and those who had injections in areas other than the spine, the hospital targeted about 500 patients for MRI scans.

Most so far have had private insurance that covers the screening. For the uninsured, the hospital's Patient Financial Services department has been helping them to apply for financial support.

"We did over 400 MRIs in about a 4-week period," Vandenberg said. The hospital screened so many patients, in fact, that the state of Michigan sent in an emergency mobile MRI unit to help.

Vandenberg got the task of reading stacks of MRI reports, sometimes as many as 30 a day.

So far, about 20 percent of the MRIs have shown up as abnormal, meaning that patients have to come back for surgery and treatment.

Vandenberg makes all of those calls personally. Not all of them go smoothly. He likens the gravity of the conversation - learning you have a potentially deadly new disease that requires months of treatment with risky drugs - to telling someone they have cancer.

After one especially tough call, in which a heart patient feared he would not survive the surgery he would need to clear his infection, Vandenberg cracked.

"I started crying. I probably haven't cried for 15 years."


But at last, after months of onslaught, there are signs the outbreak is easing.

Attendance at the hospital's daily support group has begun to taper off. And since the beginning of December, more than 50 patients with fungal infections have been discharged, while only 20 have been admitted, bringing the total number of fungus-related inpatient to 30.

Vandenberg nevertheless cautions that the outbreak is still far from over.

"Every single day of this screening program, we're finding one or two cases that are abnormal and need to be admitted," he said.

Vandenberg gave the CDC access to the clinic's database so the agency could see how the effort turned out, and this month, the CDC issued the alert to doctors incorporating some of the results of the MRI screening program.

The alert warned that some patients who got tainted injections but did not develop meningitis may still be at risk of localized infections.

And it urged doctors to consider ordering an MRI for all patients who still have pain, even if the pain is similar to what sent them in for treatment in the first place.

Chiller said the United States had not yet reached the end of the outbreak.

"Unfortunately, with fungi, the incubation periods are so long and they can remain indolent. I'm definitely concerned that we're going to continue to see more cases."

(Reporting by Julie Steenhuysen; Editing by Jilian Mincer, Mary Milliken and David Brunnstrom)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/michigan-hospital-blazes-trail-fight-against-fungal-meningitis-120414763--finance.html

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Tron taggers, Spike assumes a Wookiee Life Debt on My Little Pony, plus Gotham Girls!

Tron taggers, Spike assumes a Wookiee Life Debt on My Little Pony, plus Gotham Girls! This week in the world of cartoons we continue to traverse the desert that is holiday programming, but we do have new episodes of Tron: Uprising and MLP: Friendship is Magic, as well as a couple of throwback cartoons.

As always - minor spoilers ahead!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ? "Spike at Your Service"

Tron taggers, Spike assumes a Wookiee Life Debt on My Little Pony, plus Gotham Girls!
Every Brony's favorite little dragon, Spike, is hunted by some really cool looking wolves made of wood in this episode.

Applejack saves him in this clip, leading Spike to take on a Chewbacca-like role to fulfill his Noble Dragon Code.

Tron: Uprising ? "Tagged"

Tron taggers, Spike assumes a Wookiee Life Debt on My Little Pony, plus Gotham Girls!
In what will likely be one of the last episodes of the series, the Renegades attempt to garner the support of a pseudo-street team that is tagging the grid with the message "Tron Lives."

The next episode of Tron: Uprising, "State of Mind", airs this Sunday night at midnight in the Cinemax time slot on DisneyXD.

Adventure Time ? "Pilot"

Tron taggers, Spike assumes a Wookiee Life Debt on My Little Pony, plus Gotham Girls!
Not new by any means, but I'm really, really missing my weekly Adventure Time fix. Here is a short look at the original six minute pilot created by Ward and crew.

A keen ear can hear Finn called Pen in this first glimpse at Adventure Time.

Marvel Super Heroes: What The??! ? "The Perfect Combination "

Tron taggers, Spike assumes a Wookiee Life Debt on My Little Pony, plus Gotham Girls!
Captain America (or Captain Depression-Era as Tony Stark zings him) and Iron Man vie for the opportunity to have Thor as their wing man.

Gotham Girls ? "The Vault"

Tron taggers, Spike assumes a Wookiee Life Debt on My Little Pony, plus Gotham Girls!
A short-lived web series from 2000 starring Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Batgirl, Catwoman and sometimes Zatanna, this great show also spawned a comic book series by DC featuring covers by Shane Glines.

This first episode features Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn annoying each other as they attempt to crack a diamond vault.

Top image courtesy of DisneyXD. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic airs Saturdays on The Hub. Tron: Uprising airs late on Sunday nights on DisneyXD. Enjoy the holidays.

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/io9/excerpts/~3/MDS5H0dnKIM/tron-taggers-spike-assumes-a-wookiee-life-debt-on-my-little-pony-plus-gotham-girls

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2 Georgia boys -- missing for 10 days -- found safe in Texas


  • NEW: A person alerted police after recognizing the missing boys on CNN, police say
  • Daniel Cleary failed to return his sons as planned and hadn't been heard from
  • An Amber Alert went out Thursday; the boys' mother pleaded Saturday for their return
  • "It is amazing. I had lost hope," their mother says, shortly after talking to her sons

Atlanta (CNN) -- First it was the start of winter vacation. Then Christmas Eve and Christmas passed, as had Henry Cleary's eighth birthday.

But finally -- after 10 days away from home, with his mother and the rest of their family unaware of where they were most of that time -- Henry and his older brother, Ben, should soon be heading back to Georgia.

The two boys were found Saturday evening in Austin, Texas -- about 950 miles west of their hometown of Roswell, an Atlanta suburb -- Austin Police Lt. James Nisula told CNN.

The brothers are safe. And the man who is suspected of taking them, their father Daniel Cleary, is in police custody, according to Nisula.

He will be charged with interstate interference with custody, a felony, and extradited back to Georgia, according to Roswell Police Lt. James H. McGee.

"I'm ecstatic, I'm in shock," Theresa Nash, soon after hearing the news and getting off the phone with her boys.

Her joy was a far cry from what she was feeling a few hours earlier.

Nash said she didn't know why her estranged husband did not bring the boys home as planned Wednesday from a trip to Tennessee that began December 19. She told CNN affiliate WSB-TV that she had not heard from Daniel Cleary since December 22.

In an emotional plea on CNN Saturday, she asked for the boys to be brought home safely.

"He's trying to take care of them," she said of her estranged husband. "But I think it's a scary situation for everybody at this point."

Police first issued an Amber Alert for the suspect and his two sons on Thursday, eight days after they were last seen in Georgia.

"Suspect & children are believed to be traveling in a 2002 silver Jeep Grand Cherokee ... traveling on west side of Nashville, TN, on Interstate 40," the alert stated.

The next day, authorities released pictures of the father and his two boys taken from surveillance cameras December 23 and December 24 at a Walmart in Jackson, Tennessee.

Still, they didn't know exactly where they were.

That changed Saturday, soon after Theresa Nash went on CNN, clutching Ben's beloved teddy bear and Henry's stuffed hippo as she sat beside a picture of the two boys.

"This vacation has been overdue. It's time to come home, and we welcome you home ... safely," she said, addressing Daniel Cleary.

"Your whole family is behind this, as is my whole family. We are working together, and we really want you to come home."

A person at the Crossland Austin West hotel in Texas had been watching CNN, recognized the Cleary brothers and called 911, said Austin police Lt. Wuthipong Tantaksinanukij.

After getting that tip around 5:11 p.m. CT, officers went to the hotel and, as "they started setting up, saw the suspect coming out of one of the rooms with the two children," Tantaksinanukij said.

"He was taken into custody without further incident," said the police spokesman, noting Daniel Cleary is now at the Williamson County Jail.

Authorities looking into the case subsequently found "a handgun -- a pistol -- and a large sum of money."

Tantaksinanukij said he didn't know why the boys and their father ended up in Austin, or how long they'd been there. But he said the case might not have been solved Saturday night without the alert citizen, as well as the Amber Alert system that publicizes news of missing and endangered children on highways, in police stations and around the United States.

"The law enforcement community nationwide, we take these Amber Alerts seriously when it deals with kids," Tantaksinanukij said. "This was one of the cases where it was activated and it worked."

Around the time her estranged husband was being taken into custody, Nash said she got a call from a man who said, "I'm sitting here with your two sons."

He then handed the phone to the boys. Unaware of the commotion, the boys said Daniel Cleary had told them their mother was in the hospital, Nash said. They talked about other things as well -- like the birthday boy Henry bragging about how he'd been kicking Ben's butt on iPad games, and Nash telling them she'd gotten the brothers an Xbox for Christmas.

"They were all joy," she said.

For now, her boys are healthy and with police, "doing what kids should be doing right now -- they're playing," said Tantaksinanukij.

Nash said Saturday night that she was flying first thing to Dallas, then renting a car and driving to Austin. She doesn't know where or when she'll pick her sons up, "but we have plenty of time to figure it out."

She thanked the media for showcasing her family's story, and was taken aback by how much things changed for her and her family in a moment's notice.

"It is amazing," Nash said. "I had lost hope."

CNN's Jason Morrell and Chandler Friedman contributed to this report.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/29/us/georgia-missing-boys/index.html?eref=rss_mostpopular

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There are six cruise lines that are in the luxury class: Crystal Cruise Line, Cunard Cruise Line, Radisson Seven Seas, The Yachts of Seabourn, Silversea Cruise Line, and Windstar Cruises.

Crystal Cruise Line has received numerous awards for excellence. For the last nine years, Conde Nast Traveler has named Crystal "Best Large-Ship Cruise Line". Also for the last nine years, Travel + Leisure magazine has given Crystal the status of "World's Best Large-Ship Cruise Line". And for service, a Travel + Leisure reader's poll voted Crystal "World's Best". Crystal Cruise Line operates only three ships: Crystal Harmony, Crystal Symphony and Crystal Serenity. These ships carry approximately 1,000 passengers each and Crystal Cruise Line boasts the greatest passenger space per guest of any cruise line.

Do you recognize the ship names Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth? These great ships come from Cunard, a name long synonymous with luxury and elegance in cruises. "With Cunard, the journey may be even more magnificent than the destination" states their promotional literature. Cunard operates just two award-winning luxury ships. The Queen Mary 2, launched in January, 2004, is known as the longest, tallest and largest ocean liner and carries 2,620 passengers. It is replacing the Queen Elizabeth 2 for transatlantic crossings but the QE2 will still be available for cruises.

Radisson Seven Seas is a small luxury cruise line. Small here means that the ships carry a small number of passengers. Fewer than 700 fortunate passengers per cruise are pampered by attentive staff. Radisson Seven Seas has been named by Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure magazines to be the "World's Best Small Cruise Line". Radisson Seven Seas appeals to the sophisticated traveler.

The Yachts of Seabourn cruise line advertises that they provide "Ultra Luxury" by "delivering the highest levels of personalized service to an exclusive group of guests aboard intimate, elegant ships that could visit the most enticing destinations worldwide." Seabourn sails three identical all-suite ships that cater to only 208 passengers each. Of course, dining and service is world-class.

Silversea Cruises is a new company, founded in 1994, for the express purpose of providing an ultra-luxury cruise experience aboard small and intimate ships with all the features of a large cruise vessel. The Silverseas ships Cloud, Wind, Shadow, and Whisper provide all-suite accommodations that between 250 square feet and over 1,300 square feet in size. Silversea vies with Radisson Seven Seas and Crystal Cruise Lines for the accolades of Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure in the world's best categories. Silversea Cruises has also has been named by Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure magazines to be the "World's Best Small Cruise Line" many times since its inception.

Windstar Cruises offers a totally different sailing experience. Windstar Cruises offers motor-sail-yachts instead of cruise ships. Yes, their ships actually have sails that are computer-controlled with the latest in technology. Windstar's four ships carry just 148 to 308 passengers in staterooms or luxurious suites, giving the feel of being aboard a personal yacht. Even with such a small fleet, Windstar Cruises sail to over 47 countries around the world.

If you're in the market for a luxury cruise, there are a number of excellent cruise lines to chose from.

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Source: http://amyplund517.blogspot.com/2012/12/six-star-cruising-on-luxury-cruise-lines.html

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Four killed when Russian airliner crash lands

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian airliner flying without passengers broke into pieces after it slid off the runway and crashed onto a highway outside Moscow upon landing on Saturday, killing four of the eight crew on board and leaving smoking chunks of fuselage on the icy road.

The crash during peak holiday travel ahead of Russia's New Year's vacation, which runs from Sunday through January 9, cast a spotlight on the country's poor air-safety record despite President Vladimir Putin's calls to improve controls.

Television footage showed the Tupolev Tu-204 jet with smoke billowing from the tail end and the cockpit broken clean off the front.

Some witnesses told state channel Rossiya-24 they saw a man thrown from the plane as it rammed into the barrier of the highway outside Vnukovo airport, just southwest of the capital, and another described pulling other people from the wreckage.

"The plane split into three pieces," Yelena Krylova, chief spokeswoman for the airport, said in televised comments.

Police spokesman Gennady Bogachyov said: "The plane went off the runway, broke through the barrier and caught fire."

The pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer and a flight attendant were killed and the other four crew members aboard - all flight attendants - were in a serious condition in hospital with head injuries, the Emergency Situations Ministry said.

Officials had earlier said there were 12 crew aboard.

The mid-range Tu-204 was operated by the Russian airline Red Wings and travelling from the Czech Republic, Krylova said.


Wreckage from the crash was scattered across the highway and the plane's wings were torn from the fuselage, witnesses said.

"We saw how the plane skidded off the runway ... The nose, where business class is, broke off and a man fell out," a witness, who gave his name as Alexei, said. "We helped him get into a mini-bus to take him to the hospital."

Another witness described pulling four people from the wreckage when he arrived at the scene before emergency service workers. "We could not get the pilot out of the cockpit but we saw a lot of blood," he told Rossiya-24.

Russian investigators said preliminary findings pointed to pilot error as the cause of the crash.

But Russia's aviation authority said it had sent state-owned Tupolev a warning on Saturday ordering it to fix problems that may have caused a Tu-204 with 70 aboard to go off a Siberian runway on December 21 after suffering engine and brake trouble on landing. It said similar problems had occurred before.

The billionaire owner of Red Wings, tycoon Alexander Lebedev, said on Twitter that the Tu-204 in Saturday's crash was built in 2008. He offered condolences to the victims' families and promised financial compensation and other aid.

Red Wings' website said it operated nine Tu-204 aircraft.

Russia and other former Soviet republics had some of the world's worst air-traffic safety records last year, with a total accident rate almost three times the world average, the International Air Transport Association said.

A passenger jet crashed and burst into flames after takeoff in Siberia in April, killing 31 people, and an airliner slammed into a riverbank in September 2011, wiping out the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl ice hockey team in a crash that killed 44 people.

The Russian-built Tu-204, which is comparable in size to a Boeing 757 or Airbus A321, is a Soviet-era design that was produced in the mid-1990s but is no longer being made. There have been no major accidents reported involving Tu-204s.

(Writing by Alissa de Carbonnel; Editing by Steve Gutterman and Alison Williams)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/two-killed-russian-passenger-plane-splits-apart-landing-135518719.html

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203K Loans For Buying Property Or Home Improvement: Knowing ...

George Sterling | Friday, December 28th, 2012

203K loans are popular as they allow individuals to borrow financial funds for improvement as well as ownership of a house by only taking one loan. 203K loans are issued by the Federal Housing Administration. 203K Loans typically come with a lower interest rate. Moreover, the terms of paying back the loan varies from 15-30 years.

Basics To Know About 203K Loans

203K loans are best suitable for individuals in the United States who are seeking to buy a house or remodel their existing house but need finance to do so. 203K Loans are also referred to as ?fixer? or ?rehab loans?. Through these types of loans, one cannot only fund finance new homes but also acquire them for home improvement projects. The most important thing to know about the 203K Loan is that it is issued in the form of one loan and not separate loans.

With two different loans, there is a lot of hassle involved such as hassle of paper work, cost, payment of interest and more. Two loans come with a greater price as compared to single loans. With single loans, the interest payments that will have to be made back by the loan taker will typically be low as a result of which, the act of paying back the loan and maintaining your credit history will become a relatively easier task.

203K Loans are offered at competitive rates as a result of which, they make a reasonable choice of selection as loans for home improvement or buying homes altogether. The Federal Housing Administration issues the 203K Loans for single to four unit properties but condo owners as well as townhome owners can also use them to enhance the looks of their properties. The 203K Loans offer nearly 110percent in loans of the speculated value of the property in question, after improvement. The minimum value of finance that is offered is $5,000 but the FHA permits users to take up smaller projects that permit facilitation of easy payment processes.

Another thing to note about 203K loans is that it is mandatory to complete the work in 6 months of closing and if the project reaches more than its expected amount, more amounts will be inserted in the total. Experts advise against padding up the total cost of loan, which occurs in the case when total amount of loan exceeds the cost of improvement or the new property itself and therefore, it is always recommended to hire a reputable contractor who can provide you with accurate estimates.

Source: http://www.moneymanager.com/articles/203k-loans-for-buying-property-or-home-improvement-knowing-the-basics/

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Putin signs antiadoption law, throwing pending adoptions into confusion

President Vladimir Putin signed the Dima Yakovlev Act into law Friday, banning all adoptions of Russian orphans by US citizens as of Jan. 1 and throwing dozens of currently ongoing adoptions into confusion.

The mood among workers in the almost 40 Russia-accredited adoption agencies, which have survived repeated bouts of political tensions and ever-tightening regulations over the years, was near despair Friday.

"We have two cases of adoption in court and we're just asking ourselves the same question, what will be next?" says Lyudmila Babich, of the Cold Spring, New York-based Happy Families Center.

"We have no text of this law, nor any explanations of what's supposed to happen now. So, we're waiting," she says.

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Any hope that Mr. Putin might impose some restraint upon a measure that even members of his own cabinet have criticized as possibly illegal and diplomatically disruptive were dashed Thursday when Putin explicitly endorsed the adoption ban and other tough measures against US citizens working in Russia in televised remarks.

"I see no reason not to sign the law," Putin said.

He added that he would also sign a presidential decree to improve procedures for adopting Russian orphans and abandoned children domestically, and also boost measures to help children with serious disabilities and health problems ? who were previously the major pool of orphans made available for foreign adoption.

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About 1,000 Russian children were adopted by US families in 2011, down from the annual average of 3,000 or so in the past decade, and only a small portion of the 120,000 Russian children who are considered eligible for adoption. Under Russian law, a child can be offered to prospective foreign parents only after having been rejected three times by Russian families.


Russian nationalists argue that it's a shame for Russian children to be "sold" abroad, and several of the lawmakers who championed the Dima Yakovlev bill argued they will sponsor further efforts to ease the plight of Russia's huge numbers of institutionalized children.

Putin lent his support to the harshest critics of international adoption Thursday, by casually likening Russian children taken into US families to economic refugees.

"There are probably many places in the world where living standards are higher than ours. So what, are we going to send all our children there?" Putin said with sarcasm. "Maybe we should move there ourselves?"

The new law is a sudden about face from Russia's previous position. Russia's foreign ministry spent years negotiating a detailed US-Russia adoption accord, which regulates virtually all aspects of the adoption process, and came into effect just last month.

"I just don't understand how they can completely change the whole system for international adoptions, suddenly, all at once like this," says Svetlana Pronina, head of Child's Right, a Russian nongovernmental group that works for children's rights.

"It looks to me like children have become hostages to the political situation, and this is not a wise way to approach the needs of Russian children," she adds.

"How is it that our authorities were able to ratify a major agreement with the US about adoptions just a few months ago, and now they decided to abolish it? What sense is there in this?" she says.


The law is slated to come into effect on Jan. 1, though the US-Russia bilateral accord stipulates that either side must give one year's warning before withdrawing from the deal.

The original idea of the Dima Yakovlev law was to frame a symmetrical response to the US Magnitsky Act, which targets sanctions at about 60 Russian officials allegedly involved in the 2009 prison death of whistleblowing anticorruption lawyer Sergei Magnitsky.

That law would have levied visa and financial penalties on alleged US human rights violators, such as CIA officials involved in "black site" secret prisons, Guantanamo prison guards as well as US adoptive parents who abused their Russian-born children.

But after a series of amendments last week, the adoption ban was put front-and-center, along with measures that may lead to the closure of any NGO that receives US funding and stiff restrictions on US passport-holders (including thousands of dual US-Russia citizens) engaging in activities deemed "political" by authorities.


No one is sure what will happen with the approximately 50 cases of US-Russia adoption that are currently at various stages of completion.

Pavel Astakhov, the Kremlin's ombudsman for children's rights, who has been a strong supporter of the ban, says all current adoptions will be halted and the children re-assigned.

"There are 52 such children," Mr. Astakhov told the independent Interfax agency Friday.

"I believe they must be adopted in Russia, with the regional governors taking personal responsibility for them," he added.

Recommended: Vladimir Putin 101: A quiz about Russia's president

Ilya Ponomaryov, the lone Duma deputy who voted against the Dima Yakovlev bill in all three readings, says there should now be absolutely no doubt about who was behind the adoption ban from the outset.

"The Duma has no independent will, it simply does what the executive branch tells it to," Mr. Ponomaryov says. "Now it's clear that this was Putin's initiative all along."

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/putin-signs-antiadoption-law-throwing-pending-adoptions-confusion-144222192.html

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Western Connecticut tops College of Staten Island in women's hoops, 77-56

DANBURY, Conn. ? Western Connecticut State freshman forward Sha?Quira Palmer had 15 points and 14 rebounds as the Colonials defeated the College of Staten Island 77-56 Saturday in women?s basketball.

Western (7-3) used a 52-29 rebounding edge to overwhelm visiting CSI (6-5), taking a 40-27 halftime lead fueled by a 14-0 run to break a 9-9 deadlock.

Carly Murphy scored a game-high 18 points and Jackie Zilnicki added 13 in a winning cause, while freshman guard Lisa Galasso topped the Dolphins with 14 points followed by Nikki Fabozzi with 13 and Megan Myhre with 12.

The Dolphins host defending CUNY Conference champion Baruch Saturday at noon in Willowbrook. ?

Source: http://www.silive.com/colleges/index.ssf/2012/12/western_connecticut_tops_colle.html

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Brenda Stokes Killed 10-Year-Old Jade Morris Before Attacking Co-Worker With Razor Blades: Police

LAS VEGAS -- Police suspect that a casino worker killed a 10-year-girl before going to a Las Vegas resort and allegedly slashing the face of a co-worker with razor blades.

The search for Jade Morris ended Friday afternoon when officials confirmed that it was her body that was found a day earlier in an undeveloped housing tract.

The Clark County coroner's office said she died of multiple stab wounds,

Jade was last seen Dec. 21 with family friend Brenda Stokes Wilson, who picked her up to go Christmas shopping.

Wilson, 50, returned the car she had borrowed for the outing to a friend two hours later. Jade never came back. Investigators later found blood on the driver's door and steering wheel of the 2007 Saab sedan.

Later that night, Wilson was wrestled to the ground with razors in each hand after allegedly slashing the face of a female co-worker at the Bellagio casino.

A judge raised her bail to $60,000 from $600,000 Friday morning after she was identified as the prime suspect in the child's killing.

"It's no secret the defendant is the suspect in the murder of 10-year-old Jade Morris," prosecutor Robert Daskas told Senior Clark County District Court Judge Joseph Bonaventure at the hearing.

Later Friday, Las Vegas police homicide Capt. Chris Jones said investigators were still moving forward.

"As soon as we get all the evidence in that we need, we'll book her on the murder charges," he said.

Wilson has been jailed since the 21st on felony battery with a weapon, burglary and mayhem charges that could get her decades in prison.

Police said she offered no help in the search for the missing girl. Murder and kidnapping charges could get her life in prison without parole or the death penalty.

On Thursday, Las Vegas police responding to a 911 call found a girl's body in unkempt brush near palm trees in a small traffic circle about 10 miles from the downtown Las Vegas outlet mall where Stokes was to have taken the girl shopping.

On Friday evening, Jones called the slaying "unfathomable."

"Even having our jobs, we still can't wrap our heads around this," he said. "A lot of people think that just because of our positions we can understand it, but we can't."

In court Friday morning, Wilson stood flanked by eight police officers as her lawyer, Tony Liker, clutching a Bible and a copy of the charging documents, asked the judge to postpone arraignment until Wednesday to give him time to meet with Wilson.

Wilson, who had been identified by police and prosecutors as Brenda Stokes, told the judge Friday that her full name was Brenda Stokes Wilson.

Jade's father, Philip Morris, was removed from court Wednesday by armed court officers after shouting questions about his daughter's whereabouts to Wilson. He did not attend Friday's hearing.

The two dated for several years, and Jade had a long and trusting relationship with Wilson, according to the girl's grandfather, Philip Tucker.

Tucker said Philip Morris lived in Billings, Mont., and worked at a Flying J truck stop for more than a year. He would stay with Wilson when he visited Las Vegas, Tucker said.

Authorities have not disclosed a motive for the slaying. But Tucker said Wilson appeared to believe that the face-slashing victim had become romantically involved with Philip Morris.

Wilson picked up Jade for their shopping expedition around 5 p.m. Later, she got a ride with a friend to the Bellagio. She allegedly attacked her co-worker, Joyce Rhone, at around 9:30 p.m.

Rhone, 44, was hospitalized with deep cuts on her face, including one from her ear to the edge of her mouth.

Wilson told investigators that she visited her doctor last week, seeking to be admitted to a hospital "due to feeling like she wanted to hurt someone."


Associated Press writers Hannah Dreier and Michelle Rindels contributed to this report.

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/29/jade-morris-dead-brenda-stokes-charged_n_2380326.html

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Account Manager Senior Business Developer

Job ID: 11805752
Position Title: Account Manager Senior Business Developer
Company Name: Great American Insurance
Location(s): Cincinnati, Ohio, 45201, United States ?
Posted: December 28, 2012
Entry Level: No
Job Type: Full-Time

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Great American Insurance Group's roots go back to 1872 with the founding of its flagship company, Great American Insurance Company. Based in Cincinnati, Ohio, the operations of Great American Insurance Group are engaged primarily in property and casualty insurance, focusing on specialty commercial products for businesses, and in the sale of annuities and supplemental insurance products.

Equipment Finance Solutions helps financial institutions prosper by providing specialized risk management products and service. We are currently seeking for an Account Manager/Business Developer to work out of our home office in downtown Cincinnati, OH.

  • Has responsibility for developing and managing a productive book of business.
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  • May develop and execute dealer action plans for achieving individual dealer objectives.
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  • Acts as a liaison between company and account/dealer in solving problems.
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  • Interprets and communicates effectively about products and services.
  • Gathers, analyzes and maintains competitive information in this marketplace. Makes appropriate recommendations based on competitive landscape.
  • As appropriate for line of business:
  • Monitors persistency, placement of dealers/accounts business.
  • Uses independent judgment and initiative to achieve business goals.
  • Maintains a high level of customer service.
  • May take an active role, as needed, for large and / or complex accounts during upstart and / or critical periods in order to assist dealers/accounts in producing business.
  • Has responsibility for building and maintaining effective business relationships with internal and external customers / coworkers in order to attract and retain profitable business.
  • Ensures consistency across the team when communicating with / responding to dealers/accounts.
  • Identifies opportunities for and may spearhead development of new business and / or programs.
  • Provides technical advice to lower level associates and other functional areas.
  • Administers and applies insurance laws and regulations and as appropriate, underwriting rules, guidelines and rating manual rules.
  • May have responsibility for the performance and coaching of staff and may have a participatory role in decisions regarding development, hiring, firing, performance management, pay increases, etc., for direct reports.
  • Responsible for developing expertise of product application, and teaching application features via online or in person training sessions.
  • Ability to lead the work of others; mentors, prioritizes, delegates and reviews assignments as needed.
  • 3 to 5 years of related experience. Beginning coursework toward certification in area of expertise preferred; appropriate certifications could include Associate in Underwriting (AU), Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU), Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC), Program in General Insurance (INS) or Associate of Risk Management (ARM).
  • Must have a Bachelors degree.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Strong grasp of work flow and procedures.
  • Ability to make good decisions.

Requisition #: 15720

Source: http://jobs.insurancesalesweb.com/c/job.cfm?site_id=1636&jb=11805752

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