রবিবার, ১৭ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Olive Tree Financial - Anna Peterman - Consumer Complaint ...

Consumer Statement:

A financial company got in touch with me and stated that they could help me with a loan. After filling out the paperwork, I then received the call that because of my credit rating, I needed to send in $835 by western union to an agent in New York, New York. Then she sent me some more paperwork that said I needed to pay a portion of the insurance on the loan, which I did sending another $600 to a different agent in New York, NY. I really didn?t think at first this was a scam because the agent I was talking with was in Miami, FL. I was to be wired the loan in 6-8 hours, which did not happen and since, my bank account has been in the red and I have many ISF because of this.

Consumer Action Taken:

I have called every hour of every day and keep getting just an answering machine that tells me to leave a message. I have left messages and have written email after email everyday to the agent. It is the only phone number and email address that I have for the company. I cannot find anything else online for this company.

Date This Problem Happened: February 1, 2013

State You Live in: Georgia

Race/Ethnicity: White

Age Range: 51-65

Total Amount of Fee Paid: $1,435

Company Name: Olive Tree Financial ? Anna Peterman

Company Address:

3250 Mary Street
Suite 409
Coconut Grove, FL 33133

Company Telephone Number: 866-232-5227

Website of Company: myolivetree.com

Olive Tree Financial   Anna Peterman   Consumer Complaint   February 15, 2013 Olive Tree Financial Anna Peterman 866 232 5227  scam reporter olive tree financial

If you feel you?ve been financially hurt by a debt relief company and deserve a refund, read these step-by-step instructions on how to proceed to attempt to get your money back.

If you do get your money back, come back and leave a comment about it. I?d love to praise companies that step-up and do the right thing for people.

Scam reports are submitted by consumers like you. If you would like to file a scam report, please click here.

If you are the company named in this report and you want to respond, please read How to Handle a Consumer Complaint Like a Pro And Come Out Smelling Like a Rose

Source: http://getoutofdebt.org/49108/olive-tree-financial-anna-peterman-consumer-complaint-february-15-2013

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