শনিবার, ৬ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Mistakes Men Make With Women

Here the most common mistakes men make with women during the early stages of dating and beyond. I am not going to pull any punches in this article. Anything less would be a disservice to you as this information could make a real difference in your relationships.

Tell their entire life story right away.

Telling your entire life story eliminates the mystery that woman find stimulating and romantic. Tell stories and not histories.

Fail to recognize the benefits of being a gentleman.

I've never met a woman who didn't appreciate being treated like a lady. This means opening doors for her, allowing her to walk into rooms ahead of you, and using appropriate language. Not only will it enhance her opinion of you, but it will also enhance her opinion of herself, which will make her appreciate you more.

Pressure a woman to have sex before she's ready.

There's no benefit to pressuring a woman to have sex except selfish momentary sexual gratification. Notice I didn't say "sexual fulfillment" as this only happens when both parties are fully willing and involved. If you pressure a woman to have sex before she's ready, she won't enjoy it, she may come to resent you, or she may even come to see that act as rape! Real men do not pressure women to have sex. They wait until she's ready.

Yield to her demands to buy her things & go to expensive places.

You must take a stand early on this issue or it's always going to be her way or the highway. If she's insistent, then maybe your best choice is to hit the highway and find another woman. Women who behave in this way are spoiled. Their parents most likely spoiled them and they expect you to treat them in the same way. They are spenders who expect you to spend money on them! If you prefer frugal living and financial independence over spendthrift living and financial insecurity then drop women who demand that you buy them expensive things after the first occurrence.

For more information on how to get women, check out the Make Small Talk Sexy Review. I'm sure you'll like it!

Source: http://articles.submityourarticle.com/mistakes-men-make-with-women-324038

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